Orders of the
Day - Third Session July 03, 2013 ~ July 07, 2013 |
For the
meeting of the Youth Parliament Pakistan to be held on |
July 03, 2013 |
1. |
Recitation from the Holy Qura’an |
2. |
Mr. Amin Ismaili /span> (YP15-KPK05) would like to invite the attention of Honorable
Youth Minister for Interior, Kashmir Affairs, Gilgitbaltistan and FATA towards the ghastly and shocking
terror attack near the Base Camp of Nanga Parbat in Gilgit-Baltistan, in which tourists/climbers from China,
Ukraine, Russia and Pakistan were attacked and killed by terrorists. This is clearly a deliberate attempt to
undermine Pakistan's image internationally, so as to portray it as an unsafe place for foreign tourists.
Moreover the government must take concrete action against the attackers and also provide adequate
security to the tourists.
3. |
Mr. Kashif Khan Khichi (YP39-PUNJAB22) would like to invite the attention of Youth
Minister for Finance towards increase in the General Sales Tax (GST) which is 17 % .
In addition instead of improvement in collection of taxes ,the concerned minister attain the
other path which would be detrimental for average Pakistani.
4. |
Mr. Rafiullah Kakar (YP06-BALOCHISTAN05), Mr. Mateeullah Tareen
(YP04-BALOCHISTAN03), Mr. Ahmed Salman Zafar (YP24-BALOCHISTAN07),
Ms. Mehwish Rani (YP46-PUNJAB29) and Mr. Inam Ullah Marwat
(YP14-KP04) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that the recent wave of terrorist attacks across the
country reveals the alarmingly growing strength of the militants on one hand and the
ignominious apathy and indecisiveness of the government and the political forces on
other hand. Even more perturbing and worrisome is the fact that we, as a nation,
continue to live in a state of denial, without realizing the severity of the threat posed
by terrorism. This House calls upon the government to devise a clear-cut and well-defined
approach regarding terrorism. It is the time to bell the cat and rescue this country and its
people from the menace of terrorism."
5. |
Mr. Reyyan Niaz Khan (YP23-PUNJAB06) and Ms. Momna Naeem (YP31-PUNJAB14) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that youth Unemployment is an alarming tone for
the survival of the country. Youth is unemployed due to population explosion,
copy culture, lack of industrialization, Interruption of political parties in educational
institutions, Weak economic plan and management, Therefore Govt. should take
immediate steps over this crunch issue to save the lives, career and future of thousands
of hard-working young people."
6. |
Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Zehri (YP05-BALOCHISTAN04) and Mr. Asadullah Chattha (YP38-PUNJAB21) would like to present the following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that the Federal Public Service Commission (hereinafter "the FPSC")
should not indulge in any sort of favoritism, nepotism and must be dispassionate while selecting
the top bureaucracy of the country and meritocracy should prevail. Moreover the recent incident
occurred in Faisalabad is of immense concern for the state and FPSC should ensure that no such
event shall occur in future."
Jawdat Bilal Secretary |
for the
meeting of the Youth Parliament Pakistan to be held on |
Thursday July 04, 2013 |
1. |
Recitation from the Holy Qura’an |
2. |
Ms. Sitwat Waqar (YP12-KP02), Youth Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence
and Ms. Momna Naeem (YP31-PUNJAB14) Chairperson Standing Committee for Information
would like to present a policy on revisiting Pakistan's relations with India.
3. |
Mr. Amin Ismaili (YP15-KPK05) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House is of the Opinion that Pakistan is facing severe energy crisis that has shattered our economy.
The problem mainly consists of four major parts; first dishonest & incompetent management,
second theft and inefficiencies, third delaying or non-implementation of major projects like gas &
oil exploration especially large dams and fourth is the reliance on oil & misuse of gas resources through CNG.
Today Pakistan is facing shortfall of electricity more than 5500MW. Ironically, our energy supply primarily
comes from natural gas which is 45%, oil 35%, hydel 12%, coal 6% and nuclear 2%. The government has to
strive hard to deal with energy crisis which currently needs to shift balance from oil to coal and hydel in
next five years."
4. |
Ms. Shahana Afsar (YP42-PUNJAB25) would like to move the following resolution:
"This house is of the opinion that long term goals of prosperity, changing systems,
bringing tolerance and others cannot be brought by mere discussions. There is a strong
need to change the attitudes and perceptions of a larger part of Pakistani population to
secure a better future for the society which can only be brought by sincerely reaching
out to them."
5. |
Mr. Reyyan Niaz (YP23-PUNJAB06) and Ms. Momna Naeem (YP31-PUNJAB14) would like to move the following resolution:
"This house strongly believes that government should take steps to help women attain
the rights they deserve in the society. Adequate efforts are required in education, health
and family arenas of women life. Recent Government have taken some initial steps to improve
women status and the role of NGO's in this sector cannot be neglected". |
6. |
Ms. Shahana Afsar (YP42-PUNJAB25) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that the never ending family feuds in a number of rural
areas of Pakistan continue to pose life threats to families. The targeted ones are mainly
the male members of family and attack on them makes the whole family victim to such acts.
Immediate measures need to be taken to ensure safety of people and to create tolerance
among rivals. Promotion of education and initiating union councils in villages will prove effective
in eradicating this evil from communities."
7. |
Mr. Abdul Samad (YP16-KPK06) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that the use of social media has been increasing very
rapidly in recent years in Pakistan. This is indeed a very good sign for the development
of IT in the country but it certainly has a lot of drawbacks. This house would like to restrict
the use of social media because of its unethical and unprofessional way of use and no one
can be held accountable for his acts on social media. Many countries have done it due to
various reasons, we have one and very genuine so as a responsible nation we should be
restricting the use of social media as well."
8. |
Mr. Kashif Khan Khichi (YP39-PUNJAB22) would like to move the following motion:
"This House may discuss the ways to decrease the annual budget
deficit of Pakistan which has badly damaged our economy and every
time forced us to go after IMF."
Jawdat Bilal Secretary |
for the
meeting of the Youth Parliament Pakistan to be held on |
Friday July 05, 2013 |
1. |
Recitation from the Holy Qura’an |
2. |
Election of Youth Prime Minister |
3. |
Oath of the Youth Prime Minister-Elect |
4. |
Discussion on "Next Generation Voices" publication "Next generation goes to the Ballot Box 2013" |
5. |
Mr. Amin Ismaili (YP15-KPK05) would like to move the following resolution:
Ms. Shahana Afsar (YP42-PUNJAB25) would like to move the following resolution:
6. |
Ms. Sitwat Waqar (YP12-KP02) would like to move the following resolution:
"This house is of the opinion that long term goals of prosperity, changing systems,
bringing tolerance and others cannot be brought by mere discussions. There is a strong
need to change the attitudes and perceptions of a larger part of Pakistani population to
secure a better future for the society which can only be brought by sincerely reaching
out to them."
7. |
Mr. Reyyan Niaz Khan (YP23-PUNJAB06) and Ms. Momna Naeem (YP31-PUNJAB14) would like to move the following resolution:
"This house strongly believes that government should take steps to help
women attain the rights they deserve in the society. Adequate efforts are
required in education, health and family arenas of women life. Recent Government
has taken some initial steps to improve women status and the role of NGO's in this
sector cannot be neglected."
8. |
Ms. Shahana Afsar (YP42-PUNJAB25) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that the never ending family feuds in a number
of rural areas of Pakistan continue to pose life threats to families. The targeted
ones are mainly the male members of family and attack on them makes the whole
family victim to such acts. Immediate measures need to be taken to ensure safety
of people and to create tolerance among rivals. Promotion of education and initiating
union councils in villages will prove effective in eradicating this evil from communities."
9. |
Mr. Muhammad Kashif Khan Khichi (YP39-PUNJAB22) would like to move the following motion:
"This House may discuss the ways to decrease the annual budget
deficit of Pakistan which has badly damaged our economy and every
time forced us to go after IMF."
Jawdat Bilal Secretary |
for the
meeting of the Youth Parliament Pakistan to be held on |
Saturday July 06, 2013 |
1. |
Recitation from the Holy Qura’an. |
2. |
Mr. Amin Ismaili (YP15-KPK05) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House is of the Opinion that the new elected government of Pakistan
has presented balanced budget for the fiscal year 2013-14. The government
took exemplary steps to curtail expenditures and promote austerity. Though
Pakistan's economy is floundering, GDP growth is stagnant, and debt burden
is mounted but the newly elected government has taken considerable measures
in the budget not only for the business community but also for the development
and prosperity of a common man."
3. |
Ms. Sitwat Waqar (YP12-KP02) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that the new Government of Pakistan should
revise the existing Anti-Terrorism Legislative mechanism to ensure better
enforcement in its Anti-terrorism courts and hold speedy trials of the over
700 terrorists in detention at the moment. Their swift prosecution and penalty
would act as a deterrent for future potential terrorists. Moreover, as extremist
militancy increases across the country taking various forms and subversive terrorist
attacks, it should also be encompassed under the anti-terrorism regime to subvert
the very roots of extremism & terrorism ie., the immoral exploitation of religious
teachings in madrassas and mosques to incite young men & women towards terrorist behavior."
4. |
Mr. Muhammad Ejaz Sarwar (YP21-PUNJAB04) and Ms. Momna Naem (YP31-PUNJAB14) would like to move following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that the National Accountability Commission
Bill has been pending in the Parliament for more than five years. But the
newly elected government should immediately start work on it so that an
impartial, effective and unbiased accountability could be ensured."
5. |
Mr. Abdul Samad Khan (YP16-KP06) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that the importance of local government
cannot be overlooked. Now as the new democratic government has been
formed and for the first time in history of Pakistan a peaceful transition of
democratic government has occurred. We now need to strengthen the
democratic system for the development of democracy in the country and
give a strong reply to all undemocratic forces. This house suggests conducting
the local government elections within three months from today."
6. |
Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Zehri (YP05-BALOCHISTAN04) and Mr. Asadullah Chattha (YP38-PUNJAB21) would like to present the following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that the Federal Public Service Commission
(hereinafter "the FPSC") should not indulge in any sort of favoritism,
nepotism and must be dispassionate while selecting the top bureaucracy of
the country and meritocracy should prevail. Moreover the recent incident
occurred in Faisalabad is of immense concern for the state and FPSC should
ensure that no such event shall occur in future."
7. |
Mr. Abdul Samad Khan (YP16-KP06) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that state of the art construction facilities to
be provided in all the public construction projects. Proper scheduling and
estimating should be done. Studies have shown that the use of these
technologies reduces the construction cost up to 40%. Since it's the
public's money and the stakes of public are involved in the process.
It's the responsibility of the government to make sure that the money
is properly spent and no money is wasted at all."
8. |
Mr. Reyyan Niaz Khan (YP23-PUNJAB06) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House expresses serious concern over the growing trend of
obscenity and vulgarity in our electronic media. This house calls upon
the government to direct the concerned authorities including PEMRA
and PTA to strictly implement laws for positive use of electronic media."
9. |
Ms. Bushra Iqbal Rao (YP60-SINDH12), Mr. Junaid Ashraf (YP01-AJK01)
and Mr. Muhammad Faizan Idrees (YP36-PUNJAB19) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that the government and the civil society in
general must take steps to promote the culture of entrepreneurship in the
country, keeping in view model examples from other countries along with the
challenges of our own economy. This would, gradually, over time, not only help
the economic wheel, but also cater to the problem of unemployment facing
the youth in Pakistan."
Jawdat Bilal Secretary |
for the
meeting of the Youth Parliament Pakistan to be held on |
Sunday July 07, 2013 |
1. |
Recitation from the Holy Qura’an. |
Policy Statements |
2. |
Ms. Shahana Afsar (YP42-PUNJAB06) Youth Shadow Minister for Information would like to present a revised policy towards PTV.
3. |
Ms. Momna Naeem (YP31-PUNJAB14) and Mr. Reyyan Niaz (YP23-PUNJAB06) would like to present a policy on poverty reduction in Pakistan.
4. |
Mr. Umar Naeem (YP48-PUNJAB31) would like to move a report on Sexual Harassment at work place in Pakistan.
5. |
Mr. Inam Ullah Marwat (YP14-KP04) and Mr. Syed Faiz Ali (YP13-PUNJAB30) would like to move following resolution: |
"This House is of the opinion that the incumbent civilian government
should work for the betterment of the masses rather wasting time on
cases that has nothing to do with the welfare of the public. Energy crisis,
corruption, and terrorism are main areas of concern rather the trial of dictators.
The pursuance of cases based solely on personnel vengeance is utter injustice in
part of the government and abuse of the heavy mandate that the public has
entrusted the incumbent government with. Digging past will land Pakistan in a
clash of institutions with grave consequences for the budding democracy. The
civilian government should try to mark full stop to unconstitutional takeovers through
their performance and efforts to serve the public and to facilitate them. It's the backwardness
and lack of economic opportunities that make the general masses welcome the generals and
all other undemocratic forces to the corridors of power."
6. |
Ms. Sitwat Waqar (YP12-KP02) would like to move the following resolution:
"This House is of the opinion that our nation has completely lost its integrity of character.
We, as a nation, are now blindly involved in all sorts of immoral, inhumane and heinous evils.
As a state governs all the actions of the citizens, it is proposed that the state of Pakistan
should adopt some basic and undisputable moral principles as governing rules and these rules
cannot be based on anything other than faith of 98% of people of Pakistan i.e., Islam. And by
Islam, we definitely do not mean the Islam of the Mullahs who have divided us in dozens of sects
but the Islam bestowed upon us by our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and concluded by him in his last
sermon in which he (PBUH) said "today I have completed your religion for you."
7. |
Mr. Inam Ullah Marwat (YP14-KP04) and Syed Faiz Ali (YP13-PUNJAB30), would like to move following resolution:
"This House believes the cold blooded murder of foreigners at Nanga Parbat
base camp is a sheer inhumane act and it has vanished the prospects of tourism in
Pakistan for at least next 10 years this devastating the livelihood of locals.
This house condemns the killings and extends its sympathies with the families of
the victims. Tourism is the main source of income for hundreds of families across
Gilgit Baltistan and now those families are left stranded in wilderness with no alternative
source of income. Tourism has a lot to do with the soft image of Pakistan and while
Pakistan is crippled with terrorism and radical thoughts the mountains of Gilgit Baltistan
were projecting the soft image of Pakistan while attracting thousands of mountaineers
from across the globe. It is high time that government should bring the perpetrators to
the courts and give them exemplary punishment. Moreover, government should device a
separate task force to enhance the security of tourists and to facilitate them with
every possible facility."
Jawdat Bilal Secretary |